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John McClaskey, 87, retired shoe salesman. Columbia, MO. "So, Nic, your from Indiana. You know why that state is so screwed up? First you got South Bend up north, North Salem down south and French Lick isn't at all what you think it is."

Honduras Fulbright

This is a portrait of Fulbright scholar Denice Adkins, an MU professor who just received a grant to begin setting up a library science program in Honduras. I stumbled upon the space by chance and thought it looked like an abandoned library. It had the ambiance I was looking for, but I don't think I captured it successfully. I was trying to add a little depth to the photograph by layering. First some books, then her and then empty bookshelves. Symbolically I think it makes sense, but visually I don't think it works. I wish I would have taken a couple of snaps without the right bookshelf lit, making the image symmetrically lit, with the books keeping it a little off balance.

Helter Skelton

U.S. Congressman Ike Skelton visited the University of Missouri today to dedicate a garden in the memory of his wife Susan. While he was here, he also gave a lecture on why war is good. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone, eh.