blog posts

highway blues

Some snaps from my journey back from Barnstorm. I was loosely working on a story about human trafficking, but I was really just letting all the ideas from the weekend bang around in my head. It seems Barnstorm means a lot, to a lot of people. For me, it was the first major photo accomplishment that I ever really gave a damn about achieving. Now that it's over, I'm not sure what it means to me. I am not friends with many photographers. I don't really enjoy talking shop. I think the more you know about other things in life, and the less you know about photography, the better photographer you will be. The whole thing seemed a little elitist, but that's the nature of the beast I guess. If I had to take a lesson away from the weekend, it would be that hard work pays off. You can have all the talent in the world, but if your a lazy bitch, you will get nowhere.

And yes, I did get a ticket.

Dmitry Korkin

Dmitry was a teenage numbers whiz from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakhstan. Korkin not only aced his college entrance exam, but also pointed out errors in the test questions. He is a 31-year-old assistant professor of computer engineering at MU and was nice enough to ride up and down this elevator for about 30 minutes while I made these portraits.

b-ball preview

I photographed Mizzou point guard J.T. Tiller for the basketball preview in our winter issue of Mizzou. We are turning the first image into a poster, so I will post as soon as the design is done.

Baltimore plane break

You come on like gangbusters laying it thick Arboreal sleestack lost in the sticks It's warm for a witchtrial, don't you agree Cold are the hands that would ever touch me

You got the energy of a classic creep With sex vibe for miles and shark eyes asleep No intuition, no need to sleuth Poor is the man who would sully my view

A one minute story is all that you are A song undeveloped, beyond the first bar For all of your hustle, what did you win Woe is the man with the cheshire cat grin

You criticize life You criticize pain You criticize situations you’ve never been in But dawn for the dilletants will come soon enough Alright

The panic is leaking through every clear pore Your animus weakened acetylene torch So root for the crucifix on the skull full of rot Alright

I’m in love with the people I’m in love with a saint I’m in love with a soldier from Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore

-Stephen Malkmus