Hey, you look familiar. Have we met before?

Greetings, This blog has existed in some form or another for the past 5 years. I have now moved it to it's permanent location here at my new website www.nicholasbenner.com. Since this is a new beginning of sorts, I would like to start off with a quotation. I know, how cliche, but it's one that has stuck with me since becoming a photographer.

"We are surrounded by images that are worn out, and I believe that unless we discover new images, we will die."– Werner Herzog.

I'm not sure if Herzog really believes that we will actually die, but I do think he believes that if we do not find new, fresh images of life, we will be living in a world not worth living in. So, the subject for my first post is a gentleman who doesn't necessarily bring us new images, but he does provide us with new ways to receive them.

Richard Shneider is the President and CEO of Antennas Direct. A company that sells over-the-air antennas that receive digital HD signals. The 7-year-old company grossed $8.6 million in 2010, could double that figure in 2011 and has been on Inc. magazine’s list of fastest-growing privately owned companies for the past three years. What's interesting about what Schneider is doing, is not necessarily the technology, it's been around since the 50's, but the way it's changing peoples television habits. These antennas basically allow you to ditch your cable subscription that usually runs around $80 a month and supplement your over the air channels with online media sources like Hulu and Netflix. Read the full story here.

It's always nice when your subjects can appreciate what you are trying to do, which is make an interesting image that will engage readers and persuade them to spend their precious reading time on this specific article. Schneider was a good sport, even adding ideas and props. I was very happy with the final images.

Thanks for tuning in. Come back as often as you like.

