The basketball tigers have started their season with an impressive 8 - 0 record and a top 10 national ranking. This is in large part to the very strong play of the teams' senior class. I recently had the pleasure of photographing these seven young men, and I had all of 15 minutes to do it in.
Even before I knew the limited amount of time I was going to be given for the shoot, I decided that I was going to set up a remote camera and let the players make images of themselves. This accomplished two things. First, I thought a self portrait would go really nice with these awesome profiles that our Sports Editor, Marcus Wilkins, did on each of the seniors. It also allowed me to bang out the seven individual portraits and one group portrait in the 15 minutes I was given before the guys were expected to report to practice.
All in all, I was happy with the results, but I think if I would have had a little more time I could have gotten a couple of the guys to loosen up a little more. I guess there is always next year!