Last night I went to the district for the Boone County Bank's 150th anniversary celebration. They were calling it a Roots Blues and BBQ festival, I'm a little skeptical about the Roots and Blues, but I can vouch for the BBQ. Here are a couple of portraits I made of Abdul Beal and his brother, Mohammed Kamara, who are members of the Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars. I call Mohammed, Abdul's brother, because after talking with them for only a couple of minutes, they were calling me brother. Both of these men fled their hometown of Sierra Loene to Freetown during the their countries civil war in the early 90's. Anyway, they both had amazing stories to tell, and I will not forget them soon. If you want to read more about them, go here. Not to sound like a hippy, but I think a lot of people can learn from the Rastafarian way of life.
As for the festival, I think the idea was tainted from the beginning. Having a roots and blues festival curated by a bank, is in bad taste and I chastise them for their effort.